






彼女は三歳と四歳とのあいだである。子守女が彼女と、十一ヶ月年下の弟と、この姉弟のちょうど中ごろのいとことの三人を、散歩に出かける用意のために便所に連れてゆく。彼女は最年長者として普通の便器に腰かけ、あとのふたりは壺で用を足す。彼女はいとこにたずねる、「あんたも蝦蟇口を持っているの? ヴァルターはソーセージよ。あたしは蝦蟇口なのよ」いとこが答える、「ええ、あたしも蝦蟇口よ」子守女はこれを笑いながらきいていて、このやりとりを奥様に申上げる、母は、そんなこといってはいけないと厳しく叱った。(フロイト『夢判断』 高橋義孝訳 新潮文庫下 P86ーーメモ:「ペニス羨望」、あるいは「想像的ファルスの欠如」










『何のことなの? 馬の口についている鉄かい?』






私は妻に、彼女が便所へ行くときに、ハンスがそばにいたことはよくあるのかと尋ねる。彼女は『ええ、よくあるわ。自分があの子にそれを許してやるまでは泣きべそをかいてねだりつづけるんです。これはどこの子だってやってるのよ』という」( P210)



『セミネール四巻」を読んだことはないのだが、ラカンは半年にわたってこの少年ハンスに言い及ぶ講義をしているらしい。そしてラカンは馬を母だとは直接には言っていないようだ。《the horse represents a different person in Hans’s life (S4, 307)



向井雅明「精神分析と心理学」より抜粋( 『I.R.S.―ジャック・ラカン研究―』第 1号,2002)







明治以後になって、第二次大戦前までの父はしばしば、擬似一神教としての天皇を背後霊として子に臨んだ。戦前の父はしばしば政府の説く道徳を代弁したものだ。そのために、父は自分の意見を示さない人であった。自分の意見はあっても、子に語ると子を社会から疎外することになるーーそういう配慮が、父を無口にし、社会の代弁者とした。日本の父が超自我として弱かったのは、そのためである。その弱さは子どもにもみえみえであった。(中井久夫「母子の時間 父子の時間」初出2003 『時のしずく』2005所収ーー父なき世代





If there is one person little Hans is not afraid of, it is certainly his father, but the same cannot be said about his mother.

◆Nicholas Midgley RE-READING “LITTLE HANS”(2010)

What is threatening to Hans,” according to Rodriguez (1999), “is not the father (as Freud had assumed), but a desire of the mother that appears to Hans as unsatisfied and not subjected to the law. As such, it assumes terrifying imaginary figurations, dominated by oral cannibalism, that is, the fantasy of the devouring mother that lies behind the symptom (fear of horses biting)” (p. 128). The horse that Hans fears, we might say, is not a symbol of the father, as Freud had suggested, but rather the child's attempt to create a substitute for the missing (symbolic) father that he so desperately needed.

The little Hans: the father's kindness, the devouring mother, the horse and sister Hanna

If we now turn to the case of the little Hans, which Lacan studied in details in his seminar on The Object Relations, we find his reading of the case extremely different from that of Freud's, and especially concerning the function of the father. Freud has it that Hans became scared of his father because of his own close relationship with the mother, the horse being nothing else that a slight transformation of the father's actual appearance (his moustache, his spectacles, his mouth, etc.). The father's implication in the treatment , Freud writes, allows the child to experience his castration anxieties differently: he comes to the conclusion that a new phallus is being offered to him by the plumber, presented as a father substitute. J.Lacan, on the contrary, has it that the child is anxiety-stricken because he doesn't know where his desire for the mother- confused as it is with the mother's own desire - is going to take him. The kindness of the father, little Hans interpreted as a weakness, Lacan writes, as an incapacity to give some limits to the mother's fancies. While Freud says little about her - she seems to have been one of his patients - Lacan clearly describes her as "quaerens quem devoret", "at the apogy of her feminine voracity", dissatisfied with her relationship with her husband, exhibiting her colorful underwear to her son, taking him into her bed, etc. While Freud considers Hans' castration anxiety as a sort of an independent problem, Lacan, on the contrary, relates it to this priviledged relationship to the mother. It raises a question for which the boy has no answer, not only because it is a mere instinctual phenomenon, but because his desire is in his mother: he doesn't know, Lacan writes, where his sexualexcitement is taking him to. Now the way the symptom is built, according to Lacan (when Freud quotes it, he does not pay much importance to it) is extremely striking: it is underpinned by the structure of the German language. It seems that the child took the German word for "because" (Wegen), and tied it to … a horse, a procedure made possible by the fact that there is only a small phonological difference between "Wagen" and "wegen".

An Introductory Dictionary of Lacanian Psychoanalysis(Dylan Evans)
Lacan, in his seminar of 1956–7, offers a detailed reading of the case of Little Hans, and proposes his own view of phobia. Following Freud, he stresses the difference between phobia and anxiety: anxiety appears first, and the phobia is a defensive formation which turns the anxiety into fear by focusing it on a specific object (S4, 207,400). However, rather than identifying the phobic object as a representative of the father, as Freud does, Lacan argues that the fundamental characteristic of the phobic object is that it does not simply represent one person but represents different people in turn (S4, 283–8). Lacan points out the extremely diverse ways in which Hans describes the feared horse at different moments of his phobia; for example, at one point Hans is afraid that a horse will bite him and at another moment that a horse will fall down (S4, 305–6). At each of these different moments, Lacan argues, the horse represents a different person in Hans’s life (S4, 307). The horse thus functions not as the equivalent of a sole signified but as a signifier which has no univocal sense and is displaced onto different signifieds in turn (S4, 288).

Lacan argues that Hans develops the horse phobia because his real father fails to intervene as the agent of castration, which is his proper role in the OEDIPUS COMPLEX (S4, 212). When his sexuality begins to make itself felt in infantile masturbation, the preoedipal triangle (mother-child-imaginary phallus) is transformed from being Hans’s source of enjoyment into something that provokes anxiety in him. The intervention of the real father would have saved Hans from this anxiety by symbolically castrating him, but in the absence of this intervention Hans is forced to find a substitute in the phobia. The phobia functions by using an imaginary object (the horse) to reorganise the symbolic world of Hans and thus help him to make the passage from the imaginary to the symbolic order (S4, 230, 245–6, 284). Far from being a purely negative phenomenon, then, a phobia makes a traumatic situation thinkable, livable, by introducing a symbolic dimension, even if it is only a provisional solution (S4, 82).

The phobic object is thus an imaginary element which is able to function as a signifier by being used to represent every possible element in the subject’s world. For Hans, the horse represents at different moments his father, his mother, his little sister, his friends, himself, and many other things besides (S4, 307). In the process of developing all the permutations possible around ‘the signifying crystal of his phobia’, little Hans was able to exhaust all the impossibilities that blocked his passage from the imaginary to the symbolic and thus find a solution to the impossible by recourse to a signifying equation (E, 168). In other words, a phobia plays exactly the same role which Claude Lévi-Strauss assigns to myths, only on the level of the individual rather than of society. What is important in the myth, argues Lévi-Strauss, is not any ‘natural’ or ‘archetypal’ meaning of the isolated elements which make it up, but the way they are combined and re-combined in such a way that while the elements change position, the relations between the positions are immutable (Lévi-Strauss, 1955). This repeated re-combination of the same elements allows an impossible situation to be faced up to by articulating in turn all the different forms of its impossibility (S4, 330).

What are the practical consequences of Lacan’s theory in the treatment of subjects who suffer from phobias? Rather than simply desensitising the subject (as in behavioural therapy), or simply providing an explanation of the phobic object (e.g. ‘the horse is your father’), the treatment should aim at helping the subject to work through all the various permutations involving the phobic signifier. By helping the subject to develop the individual myth in accordance with its own laws, the treatment enables him finally to exhaust all the possible combinations of signifying elements and thus to dissolve the phobia (S4, 402). (It should be borne in mind that Lacan’s discussion of the case of Little Hans only explicitly addresses the question of childhood phobias, and leaves open the question of whether these remarks also apply to adult phobias.)

As Freud himself noted in his case study of Little Hans, phobias had not previously been assigned any definite position in psychiatric nosographies. He attempted to remedy this uncertainty surrounding the classification of phobia, but his proposed solution is prey to a certain ambiguity. On the one hand, since phobic symptoms can be found among both neurotic and psychotic subjects, Freud argued that phobias could not be regarded as an ‘independent pathological process’ (Freud, 1909b: SE X, 115). On the other hand, in the same work Freud did isolate a particular form of neurosis whose central symptom is a phobia. Freud called this new diagnostic category ‘anxiety hysteria’ in order to distinguish it from ‘conversion hysteria’ (which Freud had previously referred to simply as ‘hysteria’). Freud’s remarks are thus ambiguous, implying that phobia can be both a symptom and an underlying clinical entity. The same ambiguity is repeated in Lacan’s works, where the question is rephrased in terms of whether phobia is a symptom or a STRUCTURE. Usually, Lacan distinguishes only two neurotic structures (hysteria and obsessional neurosis), and describes phobia as a symptom rather than a structure (S4,285). However, there are also points in Lacan’s work where he lists phobia as a third form of neurosis in addition to hysteria and obsessional neurosis, thus implying that there is a phobic structure (e.g. E, 321); in 1961, for example, he describes phobia as ‘the most radical form of neurosis’ (S8, 425). The question is not resolved until the seminar of 1968–9, where Lacan states that One cannot see in it [phobia] a clinical entity but rather a revolving junction [plaque tournante], something that must be elucidated in its relations with that towards which it usually tends, namely the two great orders of neurosis, hysteria and obsessionality, and also the junction which it realises with perversion. (Lacan, 1968–9, quoted in Chemama, 1993:210)

Thus phobia is not, according to Lacan, a clinical structure on the same level as hysteria and obsessional neurosis, but a gateway which can lead to either of them and which also has certain connections with the perverse structure. The link with perversion can be seen in the similarities between the fetish and the phobic object, both of which are symbolic substitutes for a missing element and both of which serve to structure the surroundingworld. Furthermore, both phobia and perversion arise from difficulties in the passage from the imaginary preoedipal triangle to the symbolic Oedipal quaternary.